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A Guide to the Trafficking of Women


This Guide on Trafficking of Women is the product of three years of work of women who have escaped trafficking. Through an innovative and empowering research exercise, victims of trafficking became agents of analysis and change. Instead of focusing on the tragic side of their experience, they shared among themselves how they managed to escape from trafficking and rebuild their lives. They discussed the existing support mechanisms; they scrutinized the core policy instruments and they eventually summarized their own experience and recommendations in this publication.
The Guide on Trafficking of Women has been produced by Border Woman, a network of women who have managed to come out from trafficking. It is a document written by trafficking survivors for trafficking victims, as well as for policymakers and social and institutional agents concerned with preventing and combating trafficking.
Here, links:

English:  Guide on Trafficking of Women



Français: Guide sur la Traite des Femmes



Español: Guia sobre la Trata de Mujeres



Polish: Handel kobietami – Przewodnik dla ofiar i organizacji pomocowych


               (more about Border Woman in Polish)  




Português: Guia sobre Tráfico de Mulheres


                          (Mais informações sobre Mujer Frontera / Border Woman)

Romanian: Despre Traficul de Persoane
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